2023 - Year in Review

Safe LED Optical Stunners for Law Enforcement to
Grab Attention, Establish Early Control, and Buy Extra Time.

Product Development

Our Flashlight "HALAR Tac Light" is now in Gen 3 prototype and close to launch!

The first ever 100% safe Optical Stunner that gives law enforcement officers a new nonlethal de-escalation tool. Using the form factor of a tactical light that they already carry, HALAR gives officers a new way to engage early in a potential confrontation, enforce their authority and get compliance before resorting to other non-lethals.


BLITZ (formerly called "Throwable") is a "non-pyro flashbang" with an electronically programmable flash/sound output to create a diversion. It is a smart, safe, reusable, and effective "bang" with multiple applications for SWAT, patrol officers, and campus police.

Creating the Beta prototype after successful tests of the Alpha. Projected release Q4 2024.

Awards and Collaborations


We were awarded and completed 3x USAF STTRs with 3 university partners
(total $225,000)

We are partnering with OMIC (Ohio Manufacturing Innovation Center), an Ohio non-profit created and operated exclusively for scientific and educational purposes, a first-of-its-kind micro-electronics research and innovation student experiential learning program located in central Ohio.

Our partnership with Dayton's Entrepreneur Center (EC) continues. We were able to produce new prototypes, revamp our marketing material, prepare for industry events and compete in the Dayton Flyer Pitch competition (next round, Jan 2024).

Showcases & Customer Engagement

Testing & Polishing: We’ve been otpimizing our HALAR Tac Light and HALAR BLITZ designs with experienced local PDs and Metro SWAT.

OTOA Showcase: Successfully launched our new HALAR Tac Light at the Ohio Tactical Officers. Association event in June.

TechConnect World Exhibit: selected to present at this event!

Our Team Grows

We welcome five new team members!


Flyer Pitch is going to Final Round


The Immobileyes Team Grows