
Bringing Scientific Precision to Security Technology 

HALAR™ Advanced Light Technology to Stop Perpetrators before First Responders Arrive

Bridging the gap between intruder detection and response, our HALAR Security System utilizes directed energy beams to create a zone of intruder impairment immediately upon detection.

The HALAR™ Optical Jamming System selectively reduces any intruder’s ability to see and approach targets, while allowing any building occupants to exit. The strategic operation allows you to take action against intruders without putting your own people at risk. Distract, Disrupt and Delay intruders, buying time for innocents to safely escape and for help to arrive.

Applications include security systems everywhere, from private homes, retail, offices and schools to major institutions, offering an unprecedented ability to deliver immediate intervention to impair unexpected intrusions.

Take control away from intruders.


IMMEDIATE Activation

  • Activated by intrusion alert (automatic) or manually 

  • Instantaneously and Remotely activate throughout the whole building

  • Alerts law enforcement 


EFFECTIVE Intervention

  • Designed to temporarily debilitate attackers and intruders, delaying their response times and ability to focus

  • Multiple moving wavelengths provides a multi-prong disruptive effect.

  • High density beams designed to impair targeting ability



  • Integrates with the existing security system to notify occupants and property owners of any intrusion.

  • Notifies monitoring center or onsite security of the intrusion even as it delays it 

  • Provides police with a tactical advantage, locating the perpetrator and enabling system control


The Immobileyes LASER STORM is highly customizable, enabling tailored laser strength and response format depending on the application or environment. Different systems can be designed for schools, homes or private businesses depending on need, building architecture, consideration for other occupants, and security communication systems.

Where does this work?

Residential/Home Security

Nothing is more shocking than an unwanted trespasser in your home. The HALAR system steps in automatically, alerting officials while staving off the intruder’s ability to enter specific areas of the home. For violent intrusions, the intense light beams distract offenders from being able to target residents, increasing opportunities for family and others to safely exit until help arrives. If you are not home at the time, it distracts and delays intrusion while preparing police or other responders with the significant advantage of knowing exactly where the intruder is and transferring control over the laser system directly to them.  

Commercial/Private Business

From corporate shooting sprees to robberies, businesses are faced with more threats than ever before. The HALAR System protects your premises and personnel around the clock. For daytime dangers, such as an armed assailant, its innovative directed beams distract gunmen from being able to target people and hampers their ability to steal. For overnight break-ins and attempted theft, the HALAR’s series of remote response options link with your existing security system to take action even when you’re not there or even aware of what’s happening. Coordinating with law enforcement, the system provides them with added insight into the location of the robber or shooter, allowing for a more effective response. The HALAR System automates business protection in a way never offered before. 


Over the past decade, at least 177 of America’s schools have experienced a shooting. Most school shootings end in less than 5 minutes, the majority being over before help arrives on the scene. Specifically:

70% end in under 5 minutes.

40% over in 2 minutes.

60% of these attacks are concluded before police arrive.

In these situations, every second counts. There is currently no system designed to reduce an active shooter’s capability before first responders arrive. The HALAR System provides the first critical solution for those precious minutes, impairing an attacker’s ability to target, while simultaneously buying time for students and staff to bunker down or exit the building. Upon arrival, security or police have the tactical advantage of knowing the shooter’s location, along with the ability to control the lasers to assist in neutralizing the threat.

You can’t stop an attack,
but you can stop the attacker.